“An odyssey of passion, life and love…”

Flooded with rhythm, power and colour, the dramatic and passionate interpretation of “Zorba the Ballet” by the 205 member Greek National Opera enthralled Australian audiences in May 2002. The Greek National Opera together with costumes and sets, flew from Athens to Australia via Singapore, in a chartered jet to touch audiences with the immense beauty, yearning and mood that emerged from Zorba the Ballet”.

Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide experienced the magic that is still alive in Greece – the power of friendship, love and the unifying effect of music and dance. “Zorba the Ballet” was the only event to be endorsed by the Cultural Olympiad 2001 – 2004 and was proudly presented in Australia by Exedra Entertainment.

“Zorba the Ballet” is based on the original characters in the novel “Zorba the Greek” by Nikos Kazantzakis. Zorba is a hero of the avante-garde, a figure who represents the unconquerable nature of the Greeks and the ancient wisdom. The voice of his soul commands him to live up to the apogee of his own life. Music and dance related the drama, which centres on love and friendship. Mikis Theodorakis’ music listens to and answers the world in universal language. Lorca Massine has created choreography in a style combining classical, folk and modern dance to his new libretto.

“The dance is spontaneous, free and archaic…  startling moments of beauty….”